Luke 15:31 -“ ‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.
Our consciousness of His presence should always be far greater than the awareness of any problem. When we are aware of what we carry, then trials no matter how large just become a way for the Lord to reveal Himself to us in new ways. Then, in turn, we can also become a part of the answer of what the world needs. Freely we have received, freely we can give.
As children of God when we realize that we have inherited everything to live an extraordinary life, then we can effect the atmosphere around us! Carrying His presence is being aware of how we live and move and have our being, having our identity confirmed in His unconditional love and knowing that we have been fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.
In this life, we get to host the most important person on earth, the Holy Spirit, and we also get to give Him away because He is always looking to see who else He can live through.