Wednesday’s Encouraging Word – Slaying Giants

How to Kill a Giant

How To Slay A Giant…. Off With Its Head!

(1 Sam. 17:45)

Giants Can Seem Huge!

You’ve probably heard the saying about giants, “the bigger they are the harder they fall?” – Well in the kingdom of God, that is certainly a true statement about the giants we face.

As we all know, we face many battles in life, and some of them seem giant. That is why it’s up to us to first gain God’s thoughts and perspective on these giants and ask for His strategy to be able to overcome and defeat them. Sometimes a battle can be quick and easy to win, but what about the ones that seem to take weeks, months or even years? These are the battles that we need to have an approach focused on God, and not the problem. In addition to a God-focus, we also need, tenacity, strength, and patience to finally overcome a stubborn giant once and for all.

It’s All About Perspective

What Satan never plans on is that his attacks can have a great God-outcome…. If our eyes are on God, the obstacles allow us to gain a greater insight into who Christ is in us and catapult us to the next level of trust or maturity in Him. Our first course of action when encountering battles and obstacles is to see these situations from heaven’s point of view. Ephesians 1:20-23 states that we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus and the Father and that everything with a name is under His/our feet. The only view the devil should have of us and our circumstances is the shoe leather on the bottom of our shoes! Now that’s a great perspective to have.

To bring down the Goliath in your life, there are five things you must do:

1) Stand up to him! Any problem or issue you try to dumb down, excuse, or escape you will empower it. After listening to Goliath’s threats every day, fear and anxiety gripped the hearts of God’s people and they couldn’t stand up to him. It took someone fresh like David who came in from the outside and had God’s perspective on the matter to slay the giant.

2) Remember what God has already done  David recalled his victories over the lion and the bear. And you must do the same. The Israelites even set up monuments of stone so they could remember all the great things that the Lord brought them through! Jeremiah said, “This I call to mind…therefore I have hope: because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:21-23 NIV). Winnings today’s battles comes from remembering how God gave you yesterday’s victories.

3) Know the giant’s tactics To do this there are several things you need to know and do: know your enemy and how he works, view and understand his tactics, and fight with a greater knowledge, wisdom, and understanding than he does. Never fight in your own strength, but in God’s strength and with the authority He has already given you. That’s why you need His action plan on how to take your giant down. Listen to the Holy Spirit and ask Him how to move in these areas; He wants you to spend the time with Him in peace, not fear or anxiousness. You need to know one thing, you can NEVER receive anything through fear! That will only bring about more worry and stress. You need to operate in the peace of God, which is far more powerful than you yet know!

4) Cut off his head! – “David…took his sword…and cut off his head…And when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled”(1 Samuel 17:51 NKJV). Remember the previous victories, stand in your authority, take what you have learned and apply them to his weakest areas. Never assume he’s dead when he could be just startled. Cut off his head—or he may sneak up on you again and try to bring you down. Go for a dead win, not a short-term fix!

5) Always fortify yourself in Christ before, during, and after the victory! – Armor yourself with constant prayer. Renew your mind with the Word of God. Reach out for all the support that’s available to you through your spiritual family and friends. And remember, above all, realize your strength doesn’t lie in yourself, but in God. With Him on your side, you’ll win every battle, every time. If God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31 NKJV). And the answer to that is…….. No giant!



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