Prophetic Teaching

spiritual gift of the word of wisdom

What is the Spiritual Gift of the Word of Wisdom? (1 Corinthians 12:8)

Wisdom is directive; knowledge is informative. Wisdom and knowledge are interdependent; however, wisdom needs knowledge upon which to act. Knowledge must be directed by wisdom. Words of wisdom are also associated with the knowledge of Scripture that produces conviction, unanimity, and progress. It opens hearts and opens doors, through timings and direction, for what is […]

What is the Spiritual Gift of the Word of Wisdom? (1 Corinthians 12:8) Read More »

young girl answering the question of what is prophecy

What is Prophecy?

The Power of Our Words & Beliefs Can Work in Either Direction: They Can Either Be Life-Affirming or Life-Denying! What is Modern-Day Prophecy?  A single blog cannot thoroughly answer the question as to what prophecy is. Why? Because a blog would become a book if it were to include the entire expanse of biblical meaning

What is Prophecy? Read More »

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