The Gift of Prophecy is Not a Medal or Trophy To Wear – It’s a Gift From God to Give Away!
“Your value is not based on what you can receive, but what you can give away!”
Know it All’s?
Have you ever been in a group environment where there is that certain person who is always either asking all the questions or who has all the answers?
I don’t know about you, but do any of you find this slightly frustrating at times? And sadly, in the worse of these kinds of cases, have you ever been tempted to label that person as—let’s be real—annoying?
Identity Issues Can Incorrectly Validate
From my experience, this person often has the need to be heard or to have all the answers because it validates them. It gives them a sense of worth. But in some cases, it’s because they just want to belong or have a sense of value based on their knowledge or “what they can do.” What they can do has become an identity issue, which is why it is a part of their normal working practice.
For Prophet vs Non-Prophet
Unfortunately, this “practice” can also bleed over into someone’s identity in the body of Christ. For example, you may see someone who is called to be a prophet or who flows heavily in the prophetic, wear this God-given gift as a medal or trophy to validate their worth or so that they can think of themselves as being “more special” than others. I think Paul states very clearly what it looks like when this is happening:
Romans 12:3-6 – For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith…
All Believers Can Prophesy!
We can see from this that we all have been given a “proportion” or “measure of faith,” and while it does take a step of faith to step out and prophesy, it’s something all Believers are able to do! Especially if we give God the time and space for Him to speak, for us to listen, and then for us to speak the words out. We can all use this gift to edify, exhort and comfort the Body of Christ and others around us.
Trust & Humility is Key
I don’t believe that we should be either criticizing or putting ourselves down to make ourselves look lower than others, or criticizing others to make ourselves look better. Paul was speaking about each of us operating in excellence in the various spiritual gifts that we have been given. We are to do this with complete humility and trust in God because we are all different in the Body and because they are a gift from Him.
I like how C.S. Lewis states it when it comes to humility and the wonderful gift we have been given to share God’s divine thoughts for others regarding their past, present or future circumstances. He says it like this: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less”.
Steward The Gift Correctly
So, you will start to flow more in this amazing gift (AND YOU WILL), when you desire, as Paul says, as one of the best gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1). When you start declaring the things of God’s heart, nature and character over people, do not become puffed up and prideful thinking it is all about you and how good you are. And definitely, don’t wear the gift of prophecy as a medal on your chest or hold it as a trophy to polish in front of people. Don’t abuse it, instead steward this gift wisely and correctly—with the humility, love, and grace.
God wants you to use it this way to release His kingdom on earth by the power of the words He has given you to give away.