Bryan and Sue Nutman share a passion to connect people to the Father’s heart. Through this book, Sue tells her story of how God changed their family’s lives. You’ll walk with them through their valley and mountain top experience and witness how they grow together as they learn to trust God in every area of their lives. This book will take you on a journey, as you discover with Sue and Bryan, the power of your authority in Christ, as well as the freedom you can experience through inner healing and restoration. This item includes the eBook (EPUB) version and a PDF file version which are both downloaded upon purchase.
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Other Formats: Paperback Book
Testimony from Carolyn:
“Just Stand is an excellent book. It’s so beautifully written that a child could understand it. Reading it, I felt like Sue was in my kitchen relaying an honest, frank chunk of her family’s faith journey. The difficulties experienced have not been sanitized out. They’re included and helped me to remember that God is present in tough times too! Regarding a number of things in my life currently I’ve been up, down, in, out, I’ve cried, laughed, trusted, doubted, declared lots of verses from the word over my life, wondered about God’s Will and whether I was really in it, and hearing His voice for direction or just following my own desires. I’ve chased my tail, spun round in circles to the left and to the right, thanked, praised, worshiped, worried and not slept etc. When I became exhausted and was forced to rest and be still the verses ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths’ and ‘cast your cares on Him for He cares for you’, came to me and then Sue’s book arrived, I opened the parcel and the words ‘Just Stand’ leaped out at me. Those two words moved me to tears – I thought this is what I need to do now having exhausted everything else. I need to ‘Just Stand’ and thank and praise and worship in faith. Sue’s book encouraged me to just stand and keep standing in faith and not give up despite any obstacles that might be encountered. I am grateful to Sue for caring enough to share part of her journey in faith. I highly recommend this book.”
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