Presence + Identity = Power (MP3 Download)


In her teaching, Presence + Identity = Power, Sue explains how Esther, when faced with an impossible situation, had to understand not only her destiny but also the power that came through knowing God’s presence. Ephesians 1:4-6 sheds light on this biblical truth by telling us as believers that we are “chosen before the foundation of the world.” Most of us agree with this in theory, but how do we live it out?

During this teaching, Sue will expound on three key areas vital to living with a sense of power and purpose: Presence, Identity, and Power. This teaching includes one audio MP3  file. Download immediately.

In her teaching, “Presence + Identity = Power”, Sue explains how Esther, when faced with an impossible situation, had to understand not only her destiny but also the power that came through knowing God’s presence. Ephesians 1:4-6 sheds light on this biblical truth by telling us as believers that we are “chosen before the foundation of the world.” Most of us agree with this in theory, but how do we live it out?

During this teaching, Sue will expound on three key areas vital to living with a sense of power and purpose: Presence – How do we host His presence?

Identity – Do we live in our identity of being chosen, or do we live in the past?

Power – Are we operating in the power that is already in us? Jesus gave us clear instructions, but are we following them?

After listening to this teaching, you’ll be able to apply this biblical equation to your own life knowing that in your situations, you have been equipped “for such a time as this!”

This teaching includes one audio MP3  file. Download immediately.

Other formats:

Audio CD


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