Why just fit in with the crowd, when you were born to stand out?
An Inheritance Does Cost Someone
In my last blog, we spoke about inheritance. Normally when a person receives an inheritance, that heir hasn’t done a thing to earn it. However, the person who left the inheritance, it probably cost them their life’s work. For many people, there’s nothing costlier than that. Just look at the life of Jesus and what we have been given through His life, death, and resurrection. Romans 5:10-11 says,
For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
Gain the Right ID Badge
Did you know that through the inheritance He has provided for us, we also have been given a resurrected life through reconciliation with Father God? Once we realize our true ID in Christ, we then begin to fathom a little of the enormity of this truth: the Creator of the universe actually wants to call us His children. If that doesn’t blow your mind, nothing will.
What Does Your Identity Say About You?
Identity, from the time you are little, is shaped by your culture. That’s why in culture made up of so many kinds of people, you can see people basing their identities on a variety of things. You can base your identity on a load of things—the degrees you’ve earned, the titles or position you hold in an organization, the salary you make, or even the car you drive. However, if you base your identity on these temporal things, your identity will inevitably become a house of cards. Our heavenly Father wants you to find your inheritance in whose you are, rather than in who you are or what you do.
There’s only one solid foundation to build an identity upon and that’s the Cornerstone of Jesus Himself. So, what’s stopping you from receiving all that God has or wants to give you? What things feeds your life? Where do you find your security outside of His heart for you?
His Word is the Highest Authority
Jesus said, If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed (John 8:31). To abide means to reside in a certain place. It can be described as a place called home, a place of joy, acceptance, encouragement, support, protection, purpose, and His rest. To receive the full measure of His inheritance and His kingdom, we have to receive His greatest treasure, which is the living Word. This means we have to accept the Word as our highest authority, our compass for direction, our counselor in making decisions, our benchmark for evaluating every relationship and action. In other words, it should be the first and last word in our lives.
Live From A Higher Perspective
In Ephesians 1:18-23, Paul states very clearly that Jesus is above all in heavenly places, that the saints (that’s us) are the glory of His inheritance, and we are the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
Once again, to reiterate—you sit in heavenly places with Him, but also, He fills you with His all. God has equipped and given you every spiritual gift as an inheritance because of His Son Jesus. Now that’s something to meditate on and to ask Him what this means to you personally. Once you start to understand what He has already provided to you as a child of God, then you start to live life differently, see things differently, and act differently.
You Have Dominion Over All Things
When you gain that revelation that you’re are seated with Him in heavenly places, then the only thing the devil gets to see is the leather on the bottom of your boots! There is nothing that is above Him or that He has given you authority over as well. A part of His inheritance is you have the dominion over all things that are in controversy to the things of God’s nature and heart.
The Correct ID Gives You Direct Access
The question now is this: are you going to start living with a new identity and receive an ID badge that allows you in to enter into the heavenly realms and to have direct access to the Father of all Creation?