A Part of Walking Into Your Inheritance Means You Attract What You Are, Not What You Want. If You Truly Know That God Has Made You Great, Be Great!
Ever Received a Gift That You Didn’t Deserve?
Have you ever received a gift you didn’t deserve? How did you feel when you realized that you had received something so great, something so incredibly beyond your wildest dreams, and you didn’t do anything to deserve it? Did you want to stand still and treasure that moment forever?
A Kingdom Inheritance
Well, that’s just a tiny glimpse of a reality that is ours when we receive Jesus into our lives. If we understood it fully at that moment, we would realize that we had just received the kingdom of God as an inheritance that would provide for every need from that point on. And it was just freely given to us: there’s nothing we can do about it. By accepting Jesus we were given a gift so incredible that all we need to do is learn to live from it now and for eternity!
Affirmation is Not What You Do
Let’s look at it from this perspective. In terms of what Jesus did on earth in human form, He lived a pretty spectacular life. However, long before He ever preached the Gospel, healed the sick, raised the dead, or died and rose again, He was given an amazing gift—the confirmation of His identity and the Father’s love for Him. It’s completely mind-blowing that He came to earth specifically to be the payment for the sins of all humanity (1 John 2:2 ESV). However, long before He accomplished any of His divine calling and mission, His heavenly Father accepted Him! His Father affirmed as His Son and the Lamb of God long before He fulfilled His assignment.
The Defining Moment When You Gain Your Inheritance
When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in Mark 1, the skies split apart, and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove resting upon Him and never left Him. Then the Father’s voice resounded in Mark 1:11 and said, “You are My Beloved Son in Whom I’m well pleased.” Right at this moment, the Father bestowed everything that was His into His Son. God the Father gifted Jesus His identity, His power, His provision, and most importantly His love. Now here’s the greatest part: you and I are just like Jesus. Just as Jesus was given the stamp of approval long before He ever accomplished anything in this life, so have you and I! You and I are His beloved sons and daughters in whom He is so pleased. What more could you ever ask for? By receiving Him, you received complete, acceptance, identity, provision and protection from our heavenly Father.
Working vs Receiving
I explain it again this way; servants will work for a paycheck, but sons and daughters will receive an inheritance. And that inheritance is given the moment we say no to the power of darkness and yes to His kingdom of light.
Somebody Else Paid Everything for What We Have Been Given – Jesus!
It’s one thing to receive it; it’s another to accept it and to start living from it in a way that we know who we are and what we have been given. In Romans 8:32 it states,“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all – how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” It puts a very different perspective on things if we understand that we have been given the kingdom through inheritance because of what Jesus paid for on our behalf.
The Revelation of Your Identity is Key
There’s one thing that all of us seem to suffer from and until we truly gain a personal revelation of the baptism of the Father’s heart and Father’s love. We can still seem to struggle with who we are and what we have been given. Just like Jesus’ identity was a test of His Sonship when He was led out into the wilderness and then the devil came to Him in the desert. In the same way, our own identity can come into doubt too if we let negative situations and thoughts play havoc with our minds. This is something we have to overcome by knowing who we truly are.
The Way Has Already Been Paved
One of the main keys to living like we have received this gift is to start understanding that Jesus has already paved the way for us. Romans 8:29 says, “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers”. See, Jesus is the prototype, the firstborn of many. He is the Painter’s Masterpiece that we need to copy. He is the Master Potters original form that we need to be molded and conformed to. We are Co-heirs with Christ, as Christ is in us.
We Need to Discover What Has Been Done
Please do not overlook the fact that Jesus has already gone before us and paved the way. We need to actively discover, or even re-discover, what Jesus received that amazing day in the Jordan River.
Next week we can dig a little deeper and go a little further into what He obtained for us and what He desires that we live out of on earth.