Wednesday’s Encouraging Word – You’re Qualified

You’re Qualified – Col 1:12 NIV

A lot of people can be drawn to us because of our difference, not because of our similarity. We cannot fail them by dumbing down the gifts and callings God has given us that qualify us to help meet their needs. As we see in Scripture, the disciples didn’t blend in, they stood out, and the world around them realized that ‘they had been with Jesus’ (Acts 4:13 NKJV). They preached and taught His message, walked in His ways, and demonstrated His miracles.


In (Acts 11:26 NKJV), the disciples were first called ‘Christians”, that’s because they modeled their lives so much like Christ. What a tribute! A calling! And a challenge! A boy who tended sheep and fought a giant became king of a great nation (2 Samuel 5-8). Because of a Samaritan woman at a well that drew water for Jesus, she transformed a city (John 4: 1-42). Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams when others couldn’t, he saved the world from famine (Genesis 41). A boy offered Jesus all that he had – five loaves and two fish which resulted in 1000’s of hungry people being miraculously fed (Mark 6:34-44).

His Inheritance Equips You!

When it comes to employment, psychometrics or personality profiling is a good way to discover someone’s suitability for a position. However, the great thing is, it’s different in the kingdom of God. When He calls you, He equips you! Never think you’re not qualified….Who would have told you that? Certainly not God! His Word says: “and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light” (Col 1:12). So, the encouraging word for you today is; You’re equipped and qualified for the job!

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